YogaSing: Yoga for Singers and Performers

Total content time: 90 minutes
DVD Format: NTSC
The YogaSing DVD is:

$19.95 + 5.95 *
(Shipping and Handling USPS priority Mail)

* Prices Only for U.S.A.



YogaSing II: ChakraWakening

Total Content Time: 58 Minutes

DVD Format: NSTC

The YogaSing II DVD is:

$19.95 + 5.95 *
(Shipping and Handling USPS priority Mail)

* Prices Only for U.S.A.

Wordless Prayer

Wordless Prayer: Postures for Body & Soul

Total Content Time: 43 Minutes

DVD Format: NSTC

The YogaSing II DVD is:

$19.95 + 4.95 *
(Shipping and Handling USPS priority Mail)

* Prices Only for U.S.A.