Add a new dimension to your singing and teaching career by becoming a YogaSing certified voice teacher. The in depth knowledge of the body and breath through the ancient art forms of yoga and QiGong will greatly add to both your singing and teaching technique.
Steps for at home certification:
- Completion of the home study course
- 5 Teleclasses which are downloadable
- 2 Skype Lessons
- Completion of Practice Logs
- Video of teaching session with student or class
- Final certification Lesson
Steps for in person certification:
- Attend all classes during the certification week or weekends
- Complete all Practice Logs
- Teach a YogaSing class to peers
- Comprehensive Final Lesson
Payment Plan
- $500 down payment non refundable registriation fee applies to tuition
- $375 due at lesson 5
- $375 due at lesson 10
*Lessons can be completed on student's own time. Student may also pay in full at time of registration with $50 discount.
Down Payment
Lesson 5 Payment
Lesson 10 Payments
Full Payment *$50 discount
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